European Mining Heritage Meeting 2018

European Mining Heritage Meeting 2018




FR- Français
DE - Deutsch
EN- English

This meeting will bring together associations and volunteers, researchers, and all those who care for the safeguarding of the heritage of mines and quarries in Europe
It is part of the EFAITH framework for the European Year of Cultural Heritage - and is one of the activities of the theme month on mining and metals (april 2018)
The main meeting takes place at the former coal mine of Beringen (Belgium), one of the largest legally protected coal mining sites in Europe - offering a unique industrial heritage

The coal mine of Beringen in the s
This weekend is a joint initiative of

  • EFAITH (European Federation of Associations of Industrial and Technical Heritage)
  • VVIA afd Limburg (Limburg provincial chapter of the Flemish Association for Industrial Archaeology)

with the support of


This  weekend meeting, where all those involved in saving, interpreting and presentation of mining heritage, volunteers and voluntary associations, conservators and researchers, from all over Europe will get together, meet and forge relationships across borders.

The meeting is not a traditional ‘conference’ or congress.

It is a friendly and open meeting, where organisations and individuals can present and compare their ideas, projects and results - and find out where cooperation or common projects can grow, how they can support the aims of colleagues and how colleagues can support their objectives.

This will be possible by
• short lectures and oral presentations, showing videos,...
• leaflets, information stands, posters and small exhibits.
• sitting together at discussion and contact points that will be available
Each participant is allowed to use the presentation techniques that to him/her seems to be the most appropriate.